Special 10th Anniversary Scholarship Announcement

The Campbell Law Practice, LLC
Adoption Scholarship


Celebrating 10 years, 203 children, and 130 families whose lives were legally changed because of Adoption!

Throughout 10 years, we have been touched by so many children and families that have allowed us to be apart of their lives. It is only fitting that we celebrate this anniversary by giving back to the adoption community. To celebrate the 10 year anniversary, we are pleased to announce that we are launching a SCHOLARSHIP for a high school senior in Georgia who has been impacted by adoption! Use the link below to apply to today! Please share this information with your family and friends.

Jesse loves football, basketball, legos, and he is a great artist. He can free hand almost anything.

Julia loves to read, drawing, she loves cheerleading, doing hair and dressing up. Also, she is in Girl Scouts.

Jayda loves music, all music, she loves to dance, sing, cheer, color, and she is also in Girl Scouts.

What our clients are saying...

"I don’t really have words to tell how comforting it was to have Christina on our side when our family needed her. She was so professional and caring as she guided our daughter through the process of regaining custody of her baby girl. It was so quick I could not believe it. Christina was so quick to respond and answer all of our many questions. This baby is such a joy to us and I know she would not be in our lives today if we had not picked up the phone and called Christina. Thank you Christina! " A. Goldman
